Thursday, May 27, 2004
I've figured it out. Summer is killing me. Everyday I itch to destroy something I create. I tried building an airplane frame from sticks only so I could destroy it. I digress.
This is happening because I am bored. I've played these games. Read these books. Watched these shows. Watched these movies. Sat in this chair and every other chair in my house at every conceivable time in the day. I NEED SOMETHING NEW!
I yearn for the different. I want what I do not yet know. Everyday is killing me slowly from the inside. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow or maybe I know exactly what I will do. I need to leave this house. I don't know what I'm gonna do but the worst thing I could do is nothing at all.
Say hello if you see me or something.
See you around.
Friday, May 21, 2004
I turned in my Independant Research Paper today which means I'm 99.9% done with school! All that is left to do is graduate.
Whew...That paper was tough but now I'm done with more science for me...time to relax...
I'm still in a science mood...
I turned in my Independant Research Paper today which means I'm 99.9% done with school! All that is left to do is graduate.
Whew...That paper was tough but now I'm done with more science for me...time to relax...
I'm still in a science mood...
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Internet working again.
SBC DSL Yahoo term of the day:
....AND THEN These lazy inefficient bastards decide to go on strike this week.
They never do work to begin with and now they want more benefits?!?!?!
.....( Breathing heavily )........
Anyway, here's something to enjoy
SBC DSL Yahoo term of the day:
It'll be fixed in two days = It'll be fixed in a week and a half
....AND THEN These lazy inefficient bastards decide to go on strike this week.
They never do work to begin with and now they want more benefits?!?!?!
.....( Breathing heavily )........
Anyway, here's something to enjoy

Thursday, May 06, 2004
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
You know today is May 4th? That means something....Yes, a birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Eaglie's Aviary!
One year you've been up. Most bloggers might quit after a few months but you have proven that with enough free time, any tech-savvy computer user (who was able to create a website with HTML) can easily lower his or her standards to post simple rants on a cookie cutter blog site.
Cheers to you Mate
Happy Birthday Eaglie's Aviary!
One year you've been up. Most bloggers might quit after a few months but you have proven that with enough free time, any tech-savvy computer user (who was able to create a website with HTML) can easily lower his or her standards to post simple rants on a cookie cutter blog site.
Cheers to you Mate