Wednesday, June 30, 2004
To The Crazy Ones
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them,
quote them, disbelieve them,
glorify them or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do
is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal.
They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do.
----Old Think Different poster by Apple
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them,
quote them, disbelieve them,
glorify them or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do
is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal.
They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do.
----Old Think Different poster by Apple
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
I'm taking a cue from Andy and Burdulis and am making photoshop pics with news stories. Let's see how this goes.
Rumsfeld Makes Surprise News Conference
Washington DC - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld called a news conference early this morning. At 7:42 EST, Mr. Rumsfeld explained the meaning behind this surprise news conference. He had not called the top reporters in to discuss the Iraqi handover but instead discussed an amazing occurance.
The secretary of Defense didn't stop there.
Rumsfeld, for some reason unknown to science, was given supernatural powers because of his electrical encounter. He then preceded to demonstrate his ability to levitate objects with his mind. He grabbed a maker from his pocket and began to spin it wildly in front of his face.
This was not the only ability that astounded reporters. Rumsfeld than put the marker away and explained that his next ability was even weirder. He pushed his hands to his head and made a straining noise for about a minute or two. Then suddenly
he was able to create a bag of Funyuns™ from nothing by only using his mind.
Rumsfeld, however, turned down requests to become a super hero with his massive abilities.
Rumsfeld then steered the conversation to the Missile Shield that is currently being built and said that this was the only way to keep America safe.
Rumsfeld then opened the floor for more questions and prayer.
Rumsfeld Makes Surprise News Conference
Washington DC - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld called a news conference early this morning. At 7:42 EST, Mr. Rumsfeld explained the meaning behind this surprise news conference. He had not called the top reporters in to discuss the Iraqi handover but instead discussed an amazing occurance.
I was in my house late last night and the satellite went out because of the storm. So, you know, I took the ladder from the garage and went to the roof to fix it. But when I was adjusting the dish, I was struck by lightning. I flew from the roof two stories to the ground and, I must have passed out but I remember waking up on the lawn early the next day.
The secretary of Defense didn't stop there.
I could feel something inside of me was different.
Rumsfeld, for some reason unknown to science, was given supernatural powers because of his electrical encounter. He then preceded to demonstrate his ability to levitate objects with his mind. He grabbed a maker from his pocket and began to spin it wildly in front of his face.

This was not the only ability that astounded reporters. Rumsfeld than put the marker away and explained that his next ability was even weirder. He pushed his hands to his head and made a straining noise for about a minute or two. Then suddenly

he was able to create a bag of Funyuns™ from nothing by only using his mind.
Rumsfeld, however, turned down requests to become a super hero with his massive abilities.
It's not MY job to save the world. What can I do? I mean really? I like my job here.
Rumsfeld then steered the conversation to the Missile Shield that is currently being built and said that this was the only way to keep America safe.
Rumsfeld then opened the floor for more questions and prayer.

Monday, June 28, 2004
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Low |
Schizoid: | Moderate |
Schizotypal: | High |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Low |
Histrionic: | Low |
Narcissistic: | Low |
Avoidant: | High |
Dependent: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | Low |
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! -- |
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Friday, June 18, 2004
I finally got around to fixing the links to the right. I got rid of Villian of the Day and Anti-Bush merchandise. I got rid of the Iraq-o-meter because the site disappeared. I also added a facts site, a Rolling Stones Fan site, Andy's now unsecret forum, and a better list of Blogs and Livejournals. If you read this and I don't have your blog or LJ on the right, tell me.
I'm waiting for a delivery to come in the mail. hehe, It'll be wild. I leave you with a nice song quote.
I was driving home early Sunday morning through Bakersfield
Listening to gospel music on the colored radio station
And the preacher said, "You know you always have the
Lord by your side"
And I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran
Twenty red lights in his honor
Thank you Jesus, thank you lord
Far Away Eyes ~ The Rolling Stones
I'm waiting for a delivery to come in the mail. hehe, It'll be wild. I leave you with a nice song quote.
I was driving home early Sunday morning through Bakersfield
Listening to gospel music on the colored radio station
And the preacher said, "You know you always have the
Lord by your side"
And I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran
Twenty red lights in his honor
Thank you Jesus, thank you lord
Far Away Eyes ~ The Rolling Stones
Thursday, June 17, 2004
I received a letter today. I didn't receive it in the mail, though, I was handed the letter. In it were some memories that had made me happy these past few months.
For those of you who know me, six months ago, I was not the man I am now. If you don't know me, I suggest you stop reading this letter or better yet ask yourself "Who the hell are you?" Anyway, I digress. Six months ago, I had no direction in my future. I just didn't care. Everyday was the same and I woke up time and time again hating myself for not trying to better myself. Then you came along. On December 17, 2004, You came and made me happy again.
"I was happy/ That's never easy for me" Do you remember those lines. I wrote them way back in the day and I still feel that way. I can wrap my arms around you and just give you a hug and I'm happy. No one has ever made me happy like this instantaneously. It's like magic.
You are my Angel. Watching over me when the worst happens to me. You look past my flaws and see me as I am. I try to better myself for you but you are happy with me there for you, right by your side.
I love you, Sarah. Nothing can change that.
Happy six months. I wish for 6 more.
MWAH and <3
For those of you who know me, six months ago, I was not the man I am now. If you don't know me, I suggest you stop reading this letter or better yet ask yourself "Who the hell are you?" Anyway, I digress. Six months ago, I had no direction in my future. I just didn't care. Everyday was the same and I woke up time and time again hating myself for not trying to better myself. Then you came along. On December 17, 2004, You came and made me happy again.
"I was happy/ That's never easy for me" Do you remember those lines. I wrote them way back in the day and I still feel that way. I can wrap my arms around you and just give you a hug and I'm happy. No one has ever made me happy like this instantaneously. It's like magic.
You are my Angel. Watching over me when the worst happens to me. You look past my flaws and see me as I am. I try to better myself for you but you are happy with me there for you, right by your side.
I love you, Sarah. Nothing can change that.
Happy six months. I wish for 6 more.
MWAH and <3
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Today, I bought this great typewriter from the thrift store for $6. It's in great working condition and is about a 1970's model. It had a manual return so I have to slide the roller around which is fun. It can also type in red and black.
I love this thing. It's great.
I love this thing. It's great.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Ramblings heard from a Hair in the Crowd
By: Robert Fernandez
I woke up about 5:30 and my dad and mom pushed me into the Honda. I was still a bit drowsy and lost and confused. What was happening to me?
--We have your orientation at U of I today and tomorrow. Didn't you remember?
--Uh...course I did.
I didn't. This thing creeped up to me like a homeless man in an alley. My only concern right now was to not get raped. We arrived after a 2 hour drive and checked in our bags. I then went to have the photo for my ID taken. I wouldn't get this thing until tomorrow though. I checked my list and saw that I had a Spanish placement exam. Because I took 4 years of Spanish at Ignatius, I was exempt from taken it here as a course but if I wanted some extra credits, I had to take a test. I knew Spanish...fairly well, at least enough to get me by. I got the test and the first question was to choose the word that didn't fit. It seemed easy enough...
A: Pie {foot}
B: Pierna {leg}
C: Brazo {arm}
D: Axitya.........
Axitya? Is that even a word? What the fuck! Would they trick us like this? Son of a bitch. The rest of the test was kinda similar. Every so often a word would pop up that I've never seen or heard in speech. I was raped by the homeless man.
My parents then came to the Foellinger Auditorium where I was but I then realized that on my Spanish test, I misspelled Foellinger, Foullinger. I put FOUL on my test! Damn it. The presentation at the hall was very boring. This guy went on and on about General classes. What could be worse. Then we were introduced to our small group leaders. I was in group 3 so I waited to see my leader. And what do you know, my leader was the loudest black girl on campus. She talked and motioned like a hummingbird that had just snorted coke and it's heart was about to explode in it's tiny chest. I wasn't happy with this leader.
We went to the small group meeting and she made us play zip zap ZOP. A classic slightly modified improv game. But she (being high on cocaine at the moment) clapped a rhythm for the group to follow that was absurdly quick. And all the while people were messing up, she was cheering and saying "Yay" and "Be happy you're here!" She let us to go student group meetings with a representative with our field of study. Thank God. Anything would be better than this.
I was frightened when I listened to the Indian man behind the desk explaining Calculus courses and such and such. This was too much for me. I shouldn't be here. According to every slide in his powerpoint, I belong in the lowest percentage of the school. In A Clockwork Orange, they spoke a slang called nadsat. I say this random fact now because the word for shit was, get this, "cal". Now I understand why. I don't need all this cal in my life. I was sweating and breathing heavy and then.....DINNER!
I ate so much because I was walking all day. I kept going up for more food. This is why there's such a thing as freshman 15. I'll be dead by first semester. My heart's just going to quit on me without a 2 week notice and I'll collapse right in my Cal class. Take that fuckers!
After dinner, we went to Gregory Hall and we we're supposed to discuss class preparations.
I'd like to welcome you all to Gregory Hall. We'll now split into our small groups...
I screamed:
FUCKERS! You tricked me! I ain't going back.
But my cries were unheard and they took me kicking and screaming to the room with that loud obnoxious black girl again. The day wasn't even close to over.
(To Be Continued)
By: Robert Fernandez
I woke up about 5:30 and my dad and mom pushed me into the Honda. I was still a bit drowsy and lost and confused. What was happening to me?
--We have your orientation at U of I today and tomorrow. Didn't you remember?
--Uh...course I did.
I didn't. This thing creeped up to me like a homeless man in an alley. My only concern right now was to not get raped. We arrived after a 2 hour drive and checked in our bags. I then went to have the photo for my ID taken. I wouldn't get this thing until tomorrow though. I checked my list and saw that I had a Spanish placement exam. Because I took 4 years of Spanish at Ignatius, I was exempt from taken it here as a course but if I wanted some extra credits, I had to take a test. I knew Spanish...fairly well, at least enough to get me by. I got the test and the first question was to choose the word that didn't fit. It seemed easy enough...
A: Pie {foot}
B: Pierna {leg}
C: Brazo {arm}
D: Axitya.........
Axitya? Is that even a word? What the fuck! Would they trick us like this? Son of a bitch. The rest of the test was kinda similar. Every so often a word would pop up that I've never seen or heard in speech. I was raped by the homeless man.
My parents then came to the Foellinger Auditorium where I was but I then realized that on my Spanish test, I misspelled Foellinger, Foullinger. I put FOUL on my test! Damn it. The presentation at the hall was very boring. This guy went on and on about General classes. What could be worse. Then we were introduced to our small group leaders. I was in group 3 so I waited to see my leader. And what do you know, my leader was the loudest black girl on campus. She talked and motioned like a hummingbird that had just snorted coke and it's heart was about to explode in it's tiny chest. I wasn't happy with this leader.
We went to the small group meeting and she made us play zip zap ZOP. A classic slightly modified improv game. But she (being high on cocaine at the moment) clapped a rhythm for the group to follow that was absurdly quick. And all the while people were messing up, she was cheering and saying "Yay" and "Be happy you're here!" She let us to go student group meetings with a representative with our field of study. Thank God. Anything would be better than this.
I was frightened when I listened to the Indian man behind the desk explaining Calculus courses and such and such. This was too much for me. I shouldn't be here. According to every slide in his powerpoint, I belong in the lowest percentage of the school. In A Clockwork Orange, they spoke a slang called nadsat. I say this random fact now because the word for shit was, get this, "cal". Now I understand why. I don't need all this cal in my life. I was sweating and breathing heavy and then.....DINNER!
I ate so much because I was walking all day. I kept going up for more food. This is why there's such a thing as freshman 15. I'll be dead by first semester. My heart's just going to quit on me without a 2 week notice and I'll collapse right in my Cal class. Take that fuckers!
After dinner, we went to Gregory Hall and we we're supposed to discuss class preparations.
I'd like to welcome you all to Gregory Hall. We'll now split into our small groups...
I screamed:
FUCKERS! You tricked me! I ain't going back.
But my cries were unheard and they took me kicking and screaming to the room with that loud obnoxious black girl again. The day wasn't even close to over.
(To Be Continued)
Saturday, June 05, 2004
I read A Clockwork Orange today. This is the ending. If you can't understand the wording, you can ask but I doubt any of you would.
That's what it's going to be then, brothers, as I come to the like end of this tale. You have been everywhere with your little droog Alex, suffering with him, and you have viddied some of the most grahzny bratchnies old Bog ever made, all on to your old droog Alex. And all it was was that I was young. But now as I end this story, brothers, I am not young, not no longer, oh no. Alex like groweth up, oh yes.
But where I itty now, O my brothers, is all on my oddy knocky, where you cannot go. Tomorrow is all like sweet flowers and the turning vonny earth and the stars and the old Luna up there and your old droog Alex all on his oddy knocky seeking like a mate. And all that cal. A terrible grahzny vonny world, really, O my brothers. And so farewell from your little droog. And all others in this story profound shooms of lipmusic brrrrrr. And they can kiss my sharries. But you, O my brothers, remember sometimes thy little Alex that was. Amen. And all that cal.