
Monday, February 28, 2005

I read somewhere online that there was once a Twilight Zone episode where a guy was given a box with a button on it and was told that if he pushed the button, he would get a million dollars but someone he didn't know would die. He spends the episode deciding what he should do and eventually pushes the button and gets the million dollars. The box is taken away and he is told it is being given to someone he doesn't know.

That sounds like a kick ass plot. Why don't we see good quality writing like that anymore?


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Take Action

Take action and stop this


Thursday, February 10, 2005

The North Koreans finally admitted what was speculated across the globe. They have weapons of mass destruction.

The Bush administration won't try to invade the small Asian nation because...well... they actually HAVE weapons of mass destruction.


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